Building the Body of Christ - Moving Forward

We laid out our Building Project plans for 2023 - and I am pleased to say we are moving forward!

George Psefteas

September 1, 2024


Last month we updated everyone that our discussions with our architects, engineers, and other consultants were ongoing and that we were making progress.
We have made progress and we continue those discussions. Some notable updates we will be working through July follow:

On June 14, 2023, the City of Pleasanton approved our Conditional Use Permit (CUP) extension as part of the Planned Use Development (PUD) permit application. This allows us to request construction permits once our designs are finalized.

Feasibility Study discussions for the continuation of our project capital fundraising effort have largely concluded. We intend to finalize our results and take consultant review comments into consideration, as well as to prepare additional supporting information, in order to recommend a “start date” with the Parish Council in late July.

We’ve cleared the property of grasses and weeds to meet the abatement requirements of the city. We’ve commissioned a new barbwire fence installation along the entire frontage of the property to ensure its security and expect that to be completed in July.

As I mentioned in an earlier update, achievement of our collective vision will only be possible with the support and prayers of each one of us. To that end, and on behalf of Fr. Niko, the Parish Council, and all of us who are Building the Body of Christ, let me once again thank you for your support. We encourage everyone to think about the growth of our parish in several ways  – physical, spiritual, and communal. Help us build the physical church, participate more in the liturgical life of our parish, and expand your volunteerism and financial giving, both immediate and through trust/estate plans.

Faithfully, His and your servant,
George Psefteas
Chair, Building the Body of Christ Steering Committee


June 2023 UPDATE

In January, I laid out our plans for 2023 - work toward site preparation and assess our financial needs. Our hope was to kick-off in the spring of 2023 at earliest, and I am
pleased to say we are largely on track.

We have spent the better part of the last five months working with our consultant, Steve Tibbs and our broader leadership, to assess our capital needs for this initial
site-preparation and building stage of our project. That work is nearly complete, and we expect to engage our architects and engineers in the coming weeks and months to authorize the planning and design work required by the utility companies (Pacific Gas & Electric or PG&E) in order to be placed on their calendar for joint trench and utility undergrounding. This effort, which will also include final, design-ready drawings for construction is expected to last approximately two years. There will be very little tangible and outwardly visible work in this stage, but I assure you, these efforts are a necessary precursor to allow us to ultimately “put a shovel in the ground!”

The Parish Council and BBOC Steering Committee will continue to provide monthly updates, both on the progress of the project and on the progress of the funding campaign to Build the Body of Christ. As I mentioned in an earlier update, achievement of our collective vision will only be possible with the support and prayers of each one of us. To that end, and on behalf of Fr. Niko, the Parish Council, and all of us Building the Body of Christ, let me thank you for your financial support thus far. While we are still near the beginning of our journey, we could not even have come this far without your individual and collective support. Many of our parish leaders, including Fr. Niko and Pres. Stella, Christine and myself, have renewed our financial commitment, and I am pleased to say that the Parish Council recently voted that all Memorial gifts made to the parish be directed to the project.

In an effort to be even more transparent, beginning this month we will be listing all of our financial contributors to the Building of the Body of Christ in our monthly magazine. This is a living, active, list that will grow because of your love and devotion to your Church and to Christ.

Faithfully, His and your servant,

George Psefteas
Chair, Building the Body of Christ Steering Committee


Building the Body of Christ - Moving Forward

We laid out our Building Project plans for 2023 - and I am pleased to say we are moving forward!

September 1, 2024


Last month we updated everyone that our discussions with our architects, engineers, and other consultants were ongoing and that we were making progress.
We have made progress and we continue those discussions. Some notable updates we will be working through July follow:

On June 14, 2023, the City of Pleasanton approved our Conditional Use Permit (CUP) extension as part of the Planned Use Development (PUD) permit application. This allows us to request construction permits once our designs are finalized.

Feasibility Study discussions for the continuation of our project capital fundraising effort have largely concluded. We intend to finalize our results and take consultant review comments into consideration, as well as to prepare additional supporting information, in order to recommend a “start date” with the Parish Council in late July.

We’ve cleared the property of grasses and weeds to meet the abatement requirements of the city. We’ve commissioned a new barbwire fence installation along the entire frontage of the property to ensure its security and expect that to be completed in July.

As I mentioned in an earlier update, achievement of our collective vision will only be possible with the support and prayers of each one of us. To that end, and on behalf of Fr. Niko, the Parish Council, and all of us who are Building the Body of Christ, let me once again thank you for your support. We encourage everyone to think about the growth of our parish in several ways  – physical, spiritual, and communal. Help us build the physical church, participate more in the liturgical life of our parish, and expand your volunteerism and financial giving, both immediate and through trust/estate plans.

Faithfully, His and your servant,
George Psefteas
Chair, Building the Body of Christ Steering Committee


June 2023 UPDATE

In January, I laid out our plans for 2023 - work toward site preparation and assess our financial needs. Our hope was to kick-off in the spring of 2023 at earliest, and I am
pleased to say we are largely on track.

We have spent the better part of the last five months working with our consultant, Steve Tibbs and our broader leadership, to assess our capital needs for this initial
site-preparation and building stage of our project. That work is nearly complete, and we expect to engage our architects and engineers in the coming weeks and months to authorize the planning and design work required by the utility companies (Pacific Gas & Electric or PG&E) in order to be placed on their calendar for joint trench and utility undergrounding. This effort, which will also include final, design-ready drawings for construction is expected to last approximately two years. There will be very little tangible and outwardly visible work in this stage, but I assure you, these efforts are a necessary precursor to allow us to ultimately “put a shovel in the ground!”

The Parish Council and BBOC Steering Committee will continue to provide monthly updates, both on the progress of the project and on the progress of the funding campaign to Build the Body of Christ. As I mentioned in an earlier update, achievement of our collective vision will only be possible with the support and prayers of each one of us. To that end, and on behalf of Fr. Niko, the Parish Council, and all of us Building the Body of Christ, let me thank you for your financial support thus far. While we are still near the beginning of our journey, we could not even have come this far without your individual and collective support. Many of our parish leaders, including Fr. Niko and Pres. Stella, Christine and myself, have renewed our financial commitment, and I am pleased to say that the Parish Council recently voted that all Memorial gifts made to the parish be directed to the project.

In an effort to be even more transparent, beginning this month we will be listing all of our financial contributors to the Building of the Body of Christ in our monthly magazine. This is a living, active, list that will grow because of your love and devotion to your Church and to Christ.

Faithfully, His and your servant,

George Psefteas
Chair, Building the Body of Christ Steering Committee


Building the Body of Christ - Moving Forward

We laid out our Building Project plans for 2023 - and I am pleased to say we are moving forward!

September 1, 2024


Last month we updated everyone that our discussions with our architects, engineers, and other consultants were ongoing and that we were making progress.
We have made progress and we continue those discussions. Some notable updates we will be working through July follow:

On June 14, 2023, the City of Pleasanton approved our Conditional Use Permit (CUP) extension as part of the Planned Use Development (PUD) permit application. This allows us to request construction permits once our designs are finalized.

Feasibility Study discussions for the continuation of our project capital fundraising effort have largely concluded. We intend to finalize our results and take consultant review comments into consideration, as well as to prepare additional supporting information, in order to recommend a “start date” with the Parish Council in late July.

We’ve cleared the property of grasses and weeds to meet the abatement requirements of the city. We’ve commissioned a new barbwire fence installation along the entire frontage of the property to ensure its security and expect that to be completed in July.

As I mentioned in an earlier update, achievement of our collective vision will only be possible with the support and prayers of each one of us. To that end, and on behalf of Fr. Niko, the Parish Council, and all of us who are Building the Body of Christ, let me once again thank you for your support. We encourage everyone to think about the growth of our parish in several ways  – physical, spiritual, and communal. Help us build the physical church, participate more in the liturgical life of our parish, and expand your volunteerism and financial giving, both immediate and through trust/estate plans.

Faithfully, His and your servant,
George Psefteas
Chair, Building the Body of Christ Steering Committee


June 2023 UPDATE

In January, I laid out our plans for 2023 - work toward site preparation and assess our financial needs. Our hope was to kick-off in the spring of 2023 at earliest, and I am
pleased to say we are largely on track.

We have spent the better part of the last five months working with our consultant, Steve Tibbs and our broader leadership, to assess our capital needs for this initial
site-preparation and building stage of our project. That work is nearly complete, and we expect to engage our architects and engineers in the coming weeks and months to authorize the planning and design work required by the utility companies (Pacific Gas & Electric or PG&E) in order to be placed on their calendar for joint trench and utility undergrounding. This effort, which will also include final, design-ready drawings for construction is expected to last approximately two years. There will be very little tangible and outwardly visible work in this stage, but I assure you, these efforts are a necessary precursor to allow us to ultimately “put a shovel in the ground!”

The Parish Council and BBOC Steering Committee will continue to provide monthly updates, both on the progress of the project and on the progress of the funding campaign to Build the Body of Christ. As I mentioned in an earlier update, achievement of our collective vision will only be possible with the support and prayers of each one of us. To that end, and on behalf of Fr. Niko, the Parish Council, and all of us Building the Body of Christ, let me thank you for your financial support thus far. While we are still near the beginning of our journey, we could not even have come this far without your individual and collective support. Many of our parish leaders, including Fr. Niko and Pres. Stella, Christine and myself, have renewed our financial commitment, and I am pleased to say that the Parish Council recently voted that all Memorial gifts made to the parish be directed to the project.

In an effort to be even more transparent, beginning this month we will be listing all of our financial contributors to the Building of the Body of Christ in our monthly magazine. This is a living, active, list that will grow because of your love and devotion to your Church and to Christ.

Faithfully, His and your servant,

George Psefteas
Chair, Building the Body of Christ Steering Committee