December Monthly Magazine - Holiday Edition

Shout it from the housetops – Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

Renee Taylor

September 1, 2024

As we prepare for the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, let us shout it from the housetops – Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

This month’s holiday edition is a bit bittersweet. Inside, you’ll find a touching farewell message written from the heart from our beloved youth director, Anna Teodosiadis. Join us in wishing her Godspeed and best wishes as she continues her career journey serving Christ. You’ll also find our latest “Meet the Ministry Leader” interview with Dora Beig, several articles in the spirit of the Christmas season, and even a recipe for making your own Koliva!

IMPORTANT: New Year’s Eve Cocktail Party tickets are now on sale - be sure to order your tickets online before we sell out! Only 275 tickets are available for ringing in the New Year with your Resurrection family.

December Monthly Magazine - Holiday Edition

Shout it from the housetops – Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

September 1, 2024

As we prepare for the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, let us shout it from the housetops – Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

This month’s holiday edition is a bit bittersweet. Inside, you’ll find a touching farewell message written from the heart from our beloved youth director, Anna Teodosiadis. Join us in wishing her Godspeed and best wishes as she continues her career journey serving Christ. You’ll also find our latest “Meet the Ministry Leader” interview with Dora Beig, several articles in the spirit of the Christmas season, and even a recipe for making your own Koliva!

IMPORTANT: New Year’s Eve Cocktail Party tickets are now on sale - be sure to order your tickets online before we sell out! Only 275 tickets are available for ringing in the New Year with your Resurrection family.

December Monthly Magazine - Holiday Edition

Shout it from the housetops – Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

September 1, 2024

As we prepare for the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, let us shout it from the housetops – Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

This month’s holiday edition is a bit bittersweet. Inside, you’ll find a touching farewell message written from the heart from our beloved youth director, Anna Teodosiadis. Join us in wishing her Godspeed and best wishes as she continues her career journey serving Christ. You’ll also find our latest “Meet the Ministry Leader” interview with Dora Beig, several articles in the spirit of the Christmas season, and even a recipe for making your own Koliva!

IMPORTANT: New Year’s Eve Cocktail Party tickets are now on sale - be sure to order your tickets online before we sell out! Only 275 tickets are available for ringing in the New Year with your Resurrection family.