December Monthly Magazine - Holiday Edition

View the December Monthly Magazine and learn about the various events we have planned for this Holiday season!

September 1, 2024

The Monthly Resurrection Magazine is on its way to your doorstep, but you can view the December edition now on the Monthly Magazine page. 

Our theme this month is our Core Value, Grow in Christ: "We reach out and engage others in the life of the Church so that the body of Christ may be built up." Inside, you'll find various events and ways to Engage in Christ this holiday season at Resurrection.
Be sure to mark your calendar for our annual Christmas Choir Concert Fundraiser, Sunday School Christmas Pageant, and Vasilopita Family Luncheon - in addition to our various ministry meetings and the Parish General Assembly on December 10 where we will recognize Archon Skevophylax George Psefteas.

December Monthly Magazine - Holiday Edition

View the December Monthly Magazine and learn about the various events we have planned for this Holiday season!

September 1, 2024

The Monthly Resurrection Magazine is on its way to your doorstep, but you can view the December edition now on the Monthly Magazine page. 

Our theme this month is our Core Value, Grow in Christ: "We reach out and engage others in the life of the Church so that the body of Christ may be built up." Inside, you'll find various events and ways to Engage in Christ this holiday season at Resurrection.
Be sure to mark your calendar for our annual Christmas Choir Concert Fundraiser, Sunday School Christmas Pageant, and Vasilopita Family Luncheon - in addition to our various ministry meetings and the Parish General Assembly on December 10 where we will recognize Archon Skevophylax George Psefteas.

December Monthly Magazine - Holiday Edition

View the December Monthly Magazine and learn about the various events we have planned for this Holiday season!

September 1, 2024

The Monthly Resurrection Magazine is on its way to your doorstep, but you can view the December edition now on the Monthly Magazine page. 

Our theme this month is our Core Value, Grow in Christ: "We reach out and engage others in the life of the Church so that the body of Christ may be built up." Inside, you'll find various events and ways to Engage in Christ this holiday season at Resurrection.
Be sure to mark your calendar for our annual Christmas Choir Concert Fundraiser, Sunday School Christmas Pageant, and Vasilopita Family Luncheon - in addition to our various ministry meetings and the Parish General Assembly on December 10 where we will recognize Archon Skevophylax George Psefteas.